HD & Blu-ray list
New Zealand Feature Films On Blu-ray
As of 08 February 2025
The first HD players were released in April, 2006. Blu-ray players followed in June 2006. The first NZ HD-DVD title is Peter Jackson's 'King Kong', which showed up on HD, 14 November 2006.
Again, there are those who will no doubt say that 'King Kong' is not a New Zealand title, although that would be quite a stretch, but if the criterion is that it has to be mostly New Zealand,
with little outside money or input, perhaps 'The World's Fastest Indian' would do, released 13 Feb. 2007. There are only three films that can be found on HD DVD: 'The Frighteners', 'King Kong'
and 'The World's Fastest Indian'. The last known HD DVD release worldwide was on December 15, 2008. As of January 2025, I have found 115 NZ feature titles on Blu-ray, plus there are 4K
releases of: 'District 9', 'Evil, Dead, Rise', 'The Frighteners', 'The Hobbit Trilogy', 'Jojo Rabbit', 'King Kong', 'The Lord of the Rings Trilogy', 'Mortal Engines', 'The Piano', 'The Power of the Dog', '
Shadow in the Cloud' and 'The Convert'.'The Hobbit Trilogy' and 'The Lord of the Rings Trilogy' are also available in HD 3D.
The Blu-ray world is divided into three regions: Region A includes most of North, Central and South American, Southeast Asian countries plus Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. Region B
includes most of European, African and southwest Asian countries plus Australia and New Zealand. Region C contains the remaining central and south Asian countries, as well as China and
Russia. Unlike DVDs, many Blu-ray discs are ALL REGION, but some are region specific. Blu-ray details, including pricing, will be found within the information at the linked title pages.
Region indications with "?" are those that are unconfirmed.
3 Mile Limit - aka: 1480 Radio Pirates - ALL REGIONS - 2014 - IMDB 5.9
6 Days - 2017 - REGION A - IMDB 6.2
A Mistake - Blu-ray/Streaming - 2024 - IMDB 5.4
Alien Addiction - 2018 - REGION A - IMDB 4.7
An Angel At My Table - 1990 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.4
Baby Done - 2020 - REGION A? - IMDB 6.0
Bad Behaviour - 2023 - All REGIONS - IMDB 4.3
Bad Taste - 1987 - All REGIONS - IMDB 6.5
Battletruck - aka: Warlords of the 21st Century - 1982 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.0
Beyond the Edge - 2013 - REGION A & B - IMDB 6.8
Black Sheep - 2007 - ALL REGIONS + B - IMDB 5.7
Boogeyman - 2005 - REGION B - IMDB 4.2
Bookworm aka: Born to be Wild - REGION B - 2024 - IMDB 6.1
Born to Dance - 2015 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.3
Boy - 2010 - REGION A & B - IMDB 7.5
Braindead aka: Dead Alive - 1992 - All REGIONS - IMDB 7.5
Breaker Upperers, The - 2018 - REGION B - IMDB 5.9
Come to Daddy - 2019 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 6.0
Coming Home in the Dark - 2021 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.7
Convert, The - 2023 - ALL REGIONS + 4K - IMDB 6.4
Cure, The - aka: Virus Outbreak - 2014 - REGION B - IMDB 3.5
Daffodils aka: Songs of Love - 2019 - REGION B - IMDB 5.8
Dark Horse, The - aka: Das Talent des Genesis Potini - 2014 - REGION B - IMDB 7.4
Dead Kids/Strange Behavior - 1983 - ALL REGIONS + A - IMDB 5.6
Dead Lands, The - 2014 - REGION A & B - IMDB 6.3
Dead Room, The - 2015 - REGION A - IMDB 4.8
Dean Spanley - 2008 - ALL REGIONS + B - IMDB 7.2
Deathgasm - 2015 - REGION A & B - IMDB 6.3
Death Warmed Up - 1984 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 4.5
Devil Dared Me To, The - 2007 - ALL REGIONS + B? - IMDB 5.4
Devil's Rock, The - 2011 - REGION B - IMDB 5.7
Diagnosis: Death - 2009 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 4.7
District 9 - 2009 - ALL REGIONS + A&B? + 4k - IMDB 7.9
Eagle vs Shark - 2007 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.7
Evil Dead Rise - 2023 - ALL REGIONS + 4k - IMDB 6.5
Footrot Flats - 1986 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.0
Forgotten Silver - 1995 - REGION B - IMDB 7.4
Fresh Meat - 2012 - ALL REGIONS + B? - IMDB 5.4
Frighteners, The - 1996 - ALL REGIONS + A&B&C + 4k - IMDB 7.1
Ghost Bride - 2013 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 3.1
Good For Nothing - 2011 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.0
Grafted - 2024 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.7
Grampire - aka: Moonrise - aka: My Grandpa Is A Vampire - 1991 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 4.7
Guns Akimbo - 2019 - Region A & B - IMDB 6.3
Heavenly Creatures - 1994 - ALL REGIONS + REGIONS A & B? - IMDB 7.3
Hibiscus & Ruthless - 2018 - REGION B? - IMDB 5.8
Hobbit, The: The Battle of the Five Armies - 2014 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 7.4
Hobbit, The: An Unexpected Journey - 2012 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 7.8
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - 2013 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 7.8
Housebound - 2014 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 6.7
Human Traces - 2017 - REGION A - IMDB 5.9
Hunt for the Wilderpeople - 2016 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 7.8
In My Father's Den - 2004 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.4
Irrefutable Truth About Demons, The - 2000 - REGION B & ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.4
I Survived a Zombie Holocaust - 2014 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.0
Jack Be Nimble - ALL REGIONS - 1993 - IMDB 5.9
Joika aka: The American - Region B - 2023 - IMDB 7.2
Jojo Rabbit - ALL REGIONS? + 4K - 2019 - IMDB 7.9
Juniper - 2021 - REGION B - IMDB 6.5
Justice of Bunny King, The - 2021 - REGION A - IMDB 6.7
Killer Sofa - REGION B - 2019 - IMDB 3.7
King Kong - 2005 - ALL REGIONS + 4K - IMDB 7.2
Kiwi Flyer aka: Derby Dogs - 2012 - ALL REGIONS + A&B? - IMDB 5.7
The Last Saint - 2014 - REGION B - IMDB 5.2
The Legend of Baron To'a - 2020 - REGION A - IMDB 6.4
Loop Track - 2023 - REGION B - IMDB 5.8
Lord of the Rings/Fellowship of the Ring - 2001 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 8.9
Lord of the Rings/Return of the King - 2003 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 9.0
Lord of the Rings/The Two Towers - 2002 - REGIONS A & B & C + 4K - IMDB 8.8
Love Birds - 2011 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.0
Lovely Bones, The - 2009 - ALL REGIONS + A&B&C? - IMDB 6.6
Mega Time Squad - 2018 - IMDB 5.8
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence - 1984 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 7.2
Mortal Engines - ALL REGIONS + 4K - 2018 - IMDB 6.1
Mysterious Ways - PAL/NTSC DVD/Streaming - 2023 - IMDB 7.2?
Mr. Pip - 2013 - All REGIONS - IMDB 7.1
Navigator, The - 1988 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 6.6
Night Raiders - REGION B - 2021 - IMDB 5.3
Northspur - Region B - 2022 - IMDB 4.6
Once Were Warriors - 1994 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.9
Out of the Blue - 2006 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.1
Perfect Creature - 2006 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.3
Piano, The - 1993 - REGIONS A & B + 4k - IMDB 7.5
Pork Pie - 2017 - REGION B - IMDB 6.4
Power of the Dog, The - Region A + All Regions 4K - 2021 - IMDB 6.8
Punch - Region B - 2022 - IMDB 6.3
Quiet Earth, The - 1985 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.7
Race for the Yankee Zephyr aka: Ein Teufelskerl - 1981 - REGION B - IMDB 5.6
Reunion - 2020 - REGION A - IMDB 4.4
River Queen - 2005 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.9
Savage - 2019 - REGION B - IMDB 6.2
Scarfies - aka: Crime 101 - Region B - 1999 - IMDB 6.4
Separation City - 2009 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.7
Shadow in the Cloud - 2020 - REGION B + 4K - IMDB 5.0
Sione's 2: Unfinished Business - 2012 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.6
Sleeping Dogs - 1977 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.3
Slow West - 2015 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 6.9
Smash Palace - 1981 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.0
Take Home Pay - 2019 - Region B? - IMDB 5.3
Tank, The - 2023 - Region A & B - IMDB 4.6
Tattooist, The - 2007 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.1
This Giant Paper Mache Boulder is Really Very Heavy - 2016 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.9
Three Wise Cousins - 2016 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.6
Tracker - 2011 - ALL REGIONS + B? - IMDB 6.5
Turbo Kid - 2015 - All REGIONS? + B - IMDB 6.7
Two Little Boys - 2012 - REGION B - IMDB 5.7
Under the Mountain - 2009 - REGION B - IMDB 4.8
Uproar - 2023 - REGION B - IMDB 6.6
Utu Redux - 1983/2013 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 6.9
Vigil - 1984 - ALL REGIONS IMDB 6.8
Vintner's Luck, The - 2009 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 5.6
Warrior's Way, The - 2010 - REGIONS A & B - IMDB 6.2
Whale Rider - 2002 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 7.5
What we do in the Shadows - 2013 - REGION A & B - IMDB 7.6
World's Fastest Indian, The - 2005 - ALL REGIONS + A&B? - IMDB 7.8
Wound - 2010 - ALL REGIONS - IMDB 3.2
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