Dean Spanley

Dean Spanley - 2008

Atlantic Film(GB) & General Film(NZ) - 96 min.
DVD UPC/EAN # 5051429101705; 9324915077300; 065935838678
Blu-ray UPC/EAN # 7046686505685(NO); 7613059401716(DE)

Cast: Jeremy Northam, Sam Neill, Bryan Brown, Peter O'Toole, Judy Parfitt, Art Malik.
Screenplay: Alan Sharp, based upon book by Lord Dunsany; Director of Photography: Leon Narbey; Original Music: Don McGlashan; Editing: Chris Plummer; Production Designer: Andrew McAlpine; Costume Design: Odilie Dicks-Mireaux; Art Direction: Ben Smith, Steve Summersgill; Set Decoration: Barbara Herman-Skelding; Producers: Alan Harris, Matthew Metcalfe;
Director: Toa Fraser

A funny, intelligent and delighfully adult fairytale set in Edwardian England, Dean Spanley will be unlike anything else that you've seen lately. Peter O'Toole delivers a mesmerising performance as a misanthropic curmudgeon who cannot come to terms with his elder son's death, and has little time or affection for his younger son, Jeremy Northam. But when the pair visit an eccentric mystic, they start a strange journey that eventually allow the old man to find his heart. My respect for Toa Fraser has soared. Do not miss this one. Highly Recommended.

Censor Rating: G - Review rating: B+

Dean Spanley Trailer
Official MP4 Trailer


It is available R2 PAL from United Kingdom retailers for 10# or less. It is also available R4 PAL from various Australian sources for about $20au and from New Zealand sources selling for about $40nz. It is presented 1.80:1, enhanced for 16x9, with 5.1 surround or 2.0 stereo options. There are only English subtitles. Extras include: optional audio track for the blind that describes locations, textures, patterns and other non-verbal aspects of the film; a 14:22 minute "Making of"; and five interviews: Peter O'Toole - 5:22 min., Sam Neill - 8:20 min., Jeremy Northam - 6:40 min., Bryan Brown - 2:47 min., Toa Fraser - 12:11 min.
It was - DVD

e NTSC R1 from Canada, selling for at about $20, but as of November 2014 it would seem to be OOP and therefore the price is going up - way up.

There is an all regions Blu-ray available, presented 1.85:1 at 1080p with English DTS-HD Master 5.1 audio. It also has subtitle options for Danish, Finnish, Norwegian or Swedish. The only extras are cast and crew bios and the trailer. It was selling for about $24us or 20#, but as of November 2014 it seems to be OOP.

There is a Region B 1080p German Blu-ray version ( 7613059401716) that has the same specs as the all regions one, but in addition to the spoken English DTS-HD-MA 5.1 soundtrack has a spoken German DTS-HD-MA 5.1 audio track and a German subtitle option. Unlike the nearly no extras all regions version, this Region B disc contains featurette extras of "Making of New Zealand' and "Making of England" plus cast and crew Interviews, all in spoken English with optional German subtitles. It also has the original English trailer as well as a spoken German version of the trailer. The trailers do not have any subtitle options. All the extras are 576i, not 1080p.

Amazon UK - Region 2 DVD

Aro Video of Wellington has rental copies available for New Zealand addresses German Search Portal


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Internet Movie Poster Awards


2009 - Portland, Oregon, International Film Festival - Best Feature Award
September 2009 - Qantas Film and Television Awards:
Best Feature Film, with a budget over $1 Million
Best Director - Toa Fraser
Best Supporting Actor - Peter O'Toole
Best Screenplay - Alan Sharp
Best Editing - Chris Plummer
Best Costume Design - Odile dicks-Mireaux
Best Make-Up Design - Marese Langan

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