Ghost Bride

Ghost Bride - 2013

ILA Films, Mandala Pictures Ltd. - 82 min.

DVD UPC/EAN # 8717903485743(DE) ; 769529911937(US)
Blu-ray UPC/EAN # 8717903485750(DE)

Principal Cast: Yoson An, Rebekah Palmer, Fiona Feng, Ian Mune, Geeling Ng, Catheryn Wu, Charles Chan.
Crew: Writers: David Blyth; Director of Photography: Marc Mateo; Editor: Samantha Sperlich; Original Music: Jed Town;
Art Direction: Bruce Alexander; Costume Designer: Debalina Rose; Makeup Supervisor: Celeste Strewe; Producer: Craig Parkes; Director: David Blyth.

Jason Chen - a young chinese immigrant to New Zealand, keeps his love for Kiwi girl Skye secret from his disapproving mother Alice. Things quickly unravel as his mother introduces him to Madam Yin, a matchmaker who has a very special bride in mind for Jason - the mysterious and silent May Ling. When Chen proposes to Skye, tensions arise from his parents and the woman they wanted him to wed. The traditional Chinese culture clash is nothing compared to the conflict of two worlds: the living and the dead. The photography and music is above average, but subtitles would have helped overcome the below average spoken audio; it's not as if it overflows with dialogue. This is definitely the best lit ghost story I have seen and is David's best feature to date. I can recommend this, if this genre is your 'Cup-of-tea'.

Censor Rating: R18 - Review Rating: C+

Ghost Bride
Official MP4 Trailer


Starting 25 April 2014, PAL R0 dvd copies can be purchased from various European sites - This is a basic package with the only extras being trailers. It is presented 1.78:1 format with spoken English and Deutsch DD 5.1 soundtrack options. There are no subtitles or extras.

Also on 25 April 2014, an All Regions 1080p Blu-ray version became available in the original 1.78 format. It has spoken English and German DTS-HD 5.1 soundtracks. There are no subtitles. The only extras are the original trailer, but only with a spoken German soundtrack, plus 9 unrelated other trailers. The prices seem to be about 14eur.

An NTSC R1 DVD is available from North American resellers starting 04 November 2014, selling for about $20us.

Aro Video of Wellington - recommended NZ reseller

Dealoz North American Price Comparison site German Search Portal

DVDLady - DVD-R for North American buyers


NZFC OnDemand New Zealand Rental & Purchase

Google US Rental or Purchase

Amazon DE Rental or Purchase

iTunes DE Rent or Purchase SD & HD

Microsoft US - Buy or Rent - SD & HD

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog - Click to find the nearest Library that has this title.


There are no known soundtrack CDs for this title at this time, but there is a music video (see link below).

MP3 clip from this title's soundtrack

SOUNDTRACKS VAULT - Link to MP3 samples of all titles


Blu-ray Review at

Blu-ray Review at translated to English

Sarah McMullan's RadioNZ Review - 25 October 2013 (NOTE: The Ghost Bride segment is from 5:17 to 8:33)

Tom Clark Review at Voritice Mortale

Flicks NZ Viewer Comments Reviews

Matthias Holm's Review at Die Nacht der Lebendden Texte (German)

Danny Shamon's Review at Dan's Movie Report

Oliver Armknecht's Review at Film Rezensionen (German)

Gerry Barnaby's Review at Movie Knights (UK)

User Reviews at IMDB


VIDEO VAULT - Links to trailers and clips for all titles.

NZ On Screen Videos & Comments

Official Website

End Credits Music Video with Rosie Riggir

Director David Blyth's Official Website

Steve Newall's interview with David Blyth - 30 October 2013

Peter Calder's NZ Herald report on the film and its Director

Information at IMDB database info

Internet Movie Poster Awards

NZVideos Logo

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