The Quiet Earth BD

Quiet Earth, The - 1985

Cinepro/Pillsbury Films - 90 minutes

DVD UPC/EAN # 5050232705582; 3000000071274; 013131414691; 4041658221375; 013131585094; 6416548539119; 7611719453112; 857692005932
Blu-ray UPC/EAN # 4260229590607(DE); 7896748250905(BR); 4042564169775(DE); 8436022327221(ES); 857692005949(US); 5027035019338(UK); 9344256017858(AU/NZ); 5051889699057(FR)

Cast: Bruno Lawrence, Alison Routledge, Peter Smith
Writers: Bill Baer, Bruno Lawrence, Sam Pillsbury(based on the novel by Craig Harrison); Photography: James Bartle; Music: John Charles; Production Designer: Josephine Ford; Editor: Michael Horton; Producers: Sam Pillsbury, Don Reynolds; Director: Geoff Murphy

A scientist wakes up one morning to discover the world is strangely silent - everyone has disappeared, thanks to a botched atomic experiment that has rendered the fabric of the galaxy unstable. At first he has fun doing anything he wants to but gradually isolation take hold. Then he discovers he is not alone - two more emerge to join him. New Zealand's first, and best, contribution to the sci-fi genre. The 36 minute solo beginning performance by Bruno Lawrence is unequaled in film history. The original soundtrack is certainly one of the best to be found in a New Zealand film. Highly recommended.

Censor rating: M - Review rating: B+

The Quiet Earth
Official MP4 Trailer


Used PAL VHS have been seen for about 5#. Used NTSC VHS copies can be found via ebay and amazon auctions at $10us.

On June 13, 2006, Anchor Bay released a new R1 NTSC dvd package in 1.85:1 widescreen, enhanced for 16x9, that contains dolby digital 2.0 surround and has English closed captions. It contains the trailer, an optional audio commentary track by Sam Pillsbury, as well as an eight page booklet containing a lengthy article written by Richard Harland Smith. It is packaged in a "Steelbook" case, with a metal exterior and a plastic interior. As of February, 2011, it is OOP and therefore new copies are selling for $35us. or more. In 2007 it was re-released but in a standard case, not the 'Steelbook' case. All specs are the same, except it does not have closed captions and sells for about $20.

An R0 NTSC is available in New Zealand, selling for about $20nz, and in Australia for about $25au. It also contains the optional audio commentary track by Sam Pillsbury and the theatrical trailer, but no subtitles. An R0 PAL bare-bones version is available from UK sources for about 7# or from NZ sources for about $15nz.

In July 2011, an all-regions (although it incorrectly states Region B on the box slick) Blu-ray version was released in Germany. It sells for $10-15eur. It is 1080i 1.85:1 (not 2.35:1 as indicated on the back cover) with spoken DTS-HD Master 5.1 or original DD 2.0 in either English or German. There are optional German subtitles. There are some problems with the audio menu, so I would recommend going straight into play and then access your player's menu to change the audio or subtitle options. There are five audio track options that have labeling flaws: Track 1 is German DTS-HD MA 5.1, Track 2 is German DTS-HD MA 2.0, Track 3 is English DTS-HD MA 5.1, Track 4 is English DTS-HD MA 2.0, Track 5 is the DTS-HD MA 2.0 English commentary track by Sam Pillsbury. The Trailers section includes a 1.33:1 English trailer of The Quiet Earth, with German subtitle option. The trailer section also includes five unrelated German trailers.

There is another Blu-ray offering, that is much the same as the afore-mentioned German release, except that it has subtitles options of: English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. I have not had an opportunity to test this one, but it is also a 1080i; hopefully it does not have the same menu problems. The German "Atlas Alive" offering had a re-issued 30 September 2016 and seems to have the same specs as their previous one, except it is listed as being 1080P and has a list price of 15eur. I would appreciate hearing from someone who has this lastest 'Atlas Alive' version confirming as to whether it is a 1080p and what your opinion is about its tech quality.

The latest release came on 06 December 2016 with North American releases on NTSC R1 DVD and a 1080p ALL REGIONS Blu-ray. They are restored 2k HD with a commentary track option featuring astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and film critic Odie Henderson. The BD-50 Blu-ray is 1080p with DTS-HD-MA 5.1 English track. There are no subtitles. There is a Quiet Earth trailer plus some other unrelated trailers. The package also contains a 16 page collector's booklet with an essay by Teresa Heffernan. The full list price is $25us for the DVD and $40us for the BD, but they can be purchased for less.

Another Blu-ray release started 18 June 2018. It is a Region B Arrow Video (UK) issue that sells for 18-25#. It has spoken English DTS-HD-MA 5.1 and LPCM 2.0 Stereo options as well as optional English subtitles. Extras include: a new audio commentary by critic Travis Crawford, a new video essay by critic Bryan Reesman, a new interview with critic Kim Newman on the post-apocalyptic movies of the 1980s, the original theatrical trailer, a stills gallery and a reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Laz Marquez. The commentary track and all the extras are LPCM 2.0 spoken English. NOTE: With the first pressing only, an illustrated collector's booklet is included featuring new writing by Amy Simmons.

A new ALL-Regions Blu-ray, with a DTS-HD-MA 5.1 English soundtrack and optional English subtitles, was released for Australia and New Zealand starting 03 October 2018 and selling for $25-30. It's extras include an audio commentary track by Sam Pillsbury, trailers and an image gallery.

Starting 17 November 2021, a two-disc Blu-ray set became available from French sources. It has the original spoken English soundtrack and a spoken French 5track. It also has French subtitles.

Aro Video of Wellington - Recommended NZ Reseller

Fishpond International

DealOZ North American price comparison site for DVD & Blu-ray German Search Portal

The Jokers Shop - French Blu-ray/DVD set

DVDLady - DVD-R for North American buyers


Aro Video OnDemand

Umbrella Entertainment - Worldwide Purchase or Rent

iTunes UK Preview and Download and purchase - SD & HD

iTunes US Preview and Download and purchase

iTunes CA Preview and Download and purchase

Amazon US - Rental or Purchase - SD & HD

Amazon UK - Rental or Purchase

Amazon Prime AU - Purchase and Rental

Amazon Prime CA - Purchase and Rental

NZFC OnDemand Preview & Download

Google Play US Rental or Purchase

Microsoft UK - Buy or Rent - SD & HD

Microsoft US - Buy or Rent - SD & HD

Microsoft CA - Buy or Rent - SD & HD

TubiTV Free, with ads, Streaming

Vudu Digital Rental or Purchase - SE & HD

Academy Cinemas OnDemand of Auckland

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog - Click to find the nearest Library that has this title.


Click for The Quiet Earth CD Details

SOUNDTRACKS VAULT - Link to MP3 samples of all titles


Tim Salmons Blu-ray review at Digital Bits

Dr. Svet Atanasov's Umbrella (AU) Blu-ray Review

Michael Reuben Review of Film Movement (US) Blu-ray

DVDBeaver Blu-ray Comparison Reviews of Arrow (UK) and Film Movement (US)

DVDCompare - 7 DVD versions - AU, UK, US, DE and Scandinavia

DVDCompare - Blu-ray comparison reviews of four versions - US, UK, DE, AU

DVDCompare Film Movement (US) Blu-ray Review

DVDCompare Arrow Video (UK) Blu-ray Review

DVDCompare Umbrella (AU) Blu-ray Review

Mike Long US Film Movement Blu-ray Review at DVD Sleuth

Michael Reuben US Film Movement December 2016 Review at

Stefan Dabrock DE Blu-ray Review at
English translation of German Stefan Dabrock Blu-ray Review

German HD Reporter Blu-ray Review.
English translation of German HD Reporter Blu-ray Review

Reviews at

Wellington Film Society Review

Reviews at

New Zealand Film Archive Info and Reviews

Moria Review

Cinema Aotearoa Review

Movie Review Query - 25 articles

IMDB User Comments

"A multilevel picture, the film discusses the ethics of science, and who has the right to own knowledge." - (Geoff Murphy, Onfilm, Wellington 1985)

"The Quiet Earth obviously is deeply felt. It's no accident that these tragic visions of depopulation come from a tiny country that has declared itself a nuclear- free zone. Or that one of the central characters is Maori, a tribe very nearly extinguished by the early white settlers, then earnestly 'saved' and assimilated in this century, at the cost of their tribal culture" - ( Sheila Benson, "'Earth,' Star Are Out Of This World", Los Angeles Times, October 18, 1985)


VIDEO VAULT - Links to trailers and clips for all titles.

NZ On Screen Videos & Comments

Beastwars frontman Matthew Hyde's interview about their 2019 album’s sample from The Quiet Earth.

The Quiet Earth revisited: Life imitates art of science fiction film partially set in Hamilton

The Andreas Heinemann 'The Quiet Earth' Interview

Information at the New Zealand Film Commission Website

Geoff Murphy 1985 Interview - talking about Goodbye Pork Pie, The Quiet Earth and Utu.

Information at IMDB

Internet Movie Poster Awards


1986 - Fantafestival - Best Actor: Bruno Lawrence; Best Director.

1987 - New Zealand Film Awards - Best Film; Director; Leading Male: Bruno Lawrence; Supporting Male: Peter Smith; Adapted Screenplay; Cinematography; Editing; Production Design.

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