New Zealand Feature Films - DVD Blu-ray VOD Streaming

New Zealand feature films and their soundtracks

The Mountain

Coming to DVD and VOD in October

Near the bottom of all pages, a translator link is provided for nearly 100 languages
Am Ende aller Seiten befindet sich ein Ubersetzerlink fur fast 100 Sprachen
Au bas de toutes les pages, un lien de traduction est fourni pour presque 100 langues
Nella parte inferiore di tutte le pagine, un collegamento traduttore e prevista per quasi 100 lingue
En la parte inferior de todas las paginas, se proporciona un enlace traductor para cerca de 100 idiomas
Tata te raro o nga wharangi katoa, nga te hono translator te hoki tata 100 reo
Zai suoyou yemian de dibu fujin, ti gong liao jin 100 zhong yuyan de fanyi lianjie

"This is just a thank you for your website. I am a big film lover and moved to NZ about 7 years ago.
I have been keen to really get acquainted with NZ film and your website has been a great source of information."
Best, Dom [Wellington]

"I'd like to thank you for all your hard work on Without your site,
I wouldn't have known about or purchased as many NZ dvds as I have." Cheers, Allan [Auckland]

"Thank you for the website you have, it is a great way to stay up-to-date on NZ films." Thanks, Johannes [Canada]

"And what a fantastic resource it is. Your help with my book A Journey Through NZ Film will never be forgotten."
Thank you, Ian Brodie



alphalist button
Welcome to "New Zealand Films on VHS, DVD, Blu-ray and Streaming". By clicking on the appropriate box, you will be able to locate information regarding some 302 New Zealand Feature Film titles that can be found on VHS video (NTSC or PAL), DVD or Blu-Ray discs plus many that are now streamed online. All titles have links to trailers or film clip downloads.
Chrono film list
Streaming List
Gradually as more information becomes available, the "News" section will contain information about the most recent site additions and/or changes, as well as announcements of general interest. The DVD, Blu-ray and Streaming buttons will take you to lists of titles available on those formats, where clicking on the film titles will provide you with details.
Blu-ray List
If you are looking for New Zealand documentaries, short films or links to NZ film cast or crew associations, check the resources in the "Links" section. Gradually changes are being made to make the site "friendlier" for those with mobile devices, including smaller MP4 trailers. I welcome your comments and suggestions.
DVD List
First Choices
The "First Choices" section is a great starting point for those new to New Zealand films. The "Books" section lists publications about the NZ film industry, its participants and their films. The "Directors" section is a cross-reference to their titles. Click on the "Buy Sell Rent" box to find major on-line sources in key countries for titles.
The "Soundtracks" section is continuing to being revised and expanded, including sample downloads for most titles. I need to decide how to represent soundtracks that are only available as a "burn-your-own download. A sub-section covering early soundtrack LPs has been added.
What is a feature NZ film?
The "Misc" section will fill you in on little facts concerning NZ films and their history, as well as related items such as NZ movie themed postal stamps. There is a list of the NZ films that have reached at least $1 million at NZ cinemas and a statement regarding artistic credits and property rights plus links to International Film Commissions.
In summary I want to hear your ideas about how I could improve the content of this site. Believe me when I say that this site is the result of the work of many people, although indirectly. We all owe much to those who have dedicated themselves to NZ film. If you are looking for specific information that you cannot find here, email me and I will do my best to provide an answer.

Link to Sneak Peek Trailers - The latest NZ Films - Soon to be on DVD, Blu-ray or Streaming.

I do NOT claim rights to most of the contents displayed or referred within this site. I do lay claim to the organizational nature of this site. Feel free to contact me regarding clarification of this issue.

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Last modified 31 August 2024 ©2001 - LINK TO PRIVACY POLICY