A Study of Seven New Zealand Feature Films
By: Barbara Cairns & Helen Martin
Longman Paul Ltd. - Copyright 1994
247mm x 185mm - 340 pages softcover
ISBN 0-582860-64-4
This study of seven New Zealand feature films is the first to look at New Zealand films from the point of view of text, cultural context and production process. The reader will gain an insight into how to study a film and into the business of filmmaking. Interviews with key personnel give a behind-the-scenes view of many elements of the process such as: direction, production design, sound, special effects, and performance. The films used for the study are: GOODBYE PORK PIE, BAD TASTE, NGATI, RUBY AND RATA, AN ANGEL AT MY TABLE, THE END OF THE GOLDEN WEATHER and THE FOOTSTEP MAN. This book is written primarily for senior secondary English and media studies students. Tertiary students studying New Zealand film will also find the text invaluable. 1995 Winner of the New Zealand Library Association's 'Young Peoples Non-Fiction Award'. Unfortunately, this book is currently out-of-print, but see below.
' Wonderfully clear and informative in showing how films can be "read" closely, from a variety of different angles. The authors know the local industry well and at the same time understand exactly what's needed in the classroom. This book is a marvellous resource for schools and future filmmakers, and at the same time it has much to offer any general reader with an interest in local films.'
Roger Horrocks
Film and TV Studies
University of Auckland
In 1995 the New Zealand Library Association (LIANZA) presented their Elsie Locke Award to 'Shadow on the Wall' for providing a distinguished contribution to non-fiction for young people.
'There is no excuse for not teaching film once you have this book. It shows student and teachers how to read film as a medium in its own right. A cunning selection of New Zealand films, extensive interviews with members of the film industry, and an exhaustive range of activities in which everyone finds something to their taste and learns something new. An important new resource, even if you thought you knew all about film teaching.'
Shona Hearn
HOD English
Birkenhead College