River Queen CD cover

River Queen - 2006

EMI Classics - Digital - 65 min.
UPC # 0094638327424
Composed, orchestrated and produced by Karl Jenkins
London Symphony Orchestra - conducted by Karl Jenkins
Assistant producer: Rupert Christie; Music superviser: Alison Wright, Maggie Rodford
Recorded at Angel Studios; Recording Engineers: Steve Price, Rupert Christie;
Music mixed at Mustache by Rupert Christie and edited by Peter Clarke.
Ethnic flutes: Mike Taylor of Incantation; Vocals: Mae McKenna, Belinda Sykes;
Synergy Vocals musical director: Micaela Haslam; The New London Children's Choir, directed by Ronald Corp.
'To Still My Mind'(Sarah's Theme) lyrics by Carol Barratt and performed by Mae McKenna


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June 2006 - Golden Goblet Award for Best Music - Shanghai International Film Festival

Karl Jenkins states "Essentially, the music reflects the two cultures that pervade the film; the native [Maori] and the British, which in this instance is predominantly Irish. We've tried to stay away from the obvious 'haka' route making the native-sound more universally tribal and indefinable. The Irish element has a strong Celtic feel but I have endeavoured to use musical leit motifs [fragments of theme] depicting differing characters and ideas, from both sides of the divide, interweave, sometimes in the same cue".

Information at Soundtrack Collector Website

Streaming Soundtracks playlist ratings and requests


1 To Still My Mind (Sarah's Theme) 3:37
2 Love Theme/Stepping Stones 2:70
3 The Abduction 3:36
4 The River 2:58
5 Recollections 0:58
6 Preparing for War 1:32
7 The Arrival 2:16
8 Reconciliation 1:21
9 The River Fort 1:50
10 The Approach 1:53
11 Families 1:10
12 Blindfold 3:33
13 Te Kai Po's Dream 1:16
14 Wiremu on the Rampage 2:20
15 Reposing 1:28
16 Sarah's Theme (solo piano version) 1:10
17 Mr Tattoo 1:32
18 Innocence 1:34
19 Doyle's Hut 3:36
20 The Shooting of Doyle 1:29
21 The River Escape 2:48
22 The Letter 1:60
23 The Cave 2:59
24 Reunion 3:36


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